About us
Collective Foundation
Every company with personnel is legally obliged to insure its employees in a occupational pension scheme. (Federal Act on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans; BVG)
A company can implement occupational pension schemes in various formats. This can be done either in a separate pension fund, in an insurance company or in a collective foundation. Various companies join a collective foundation with the purpose of jointly managing their respective pension obligations.
The Alvoso Pension Fund is a collective foundation and is entered in the Register of Occupational Pension Plans (Foundation headquarters in Cham, Canton Zug). In addition to compulsory insurance under the BVG, it also offers the option of insuring non-compulsory benefits.
The Alvoso Pension Fund is affiliated to small and medium-sized companies, for which it is not worthwhile running their own pension fund.
Each company is managed as an independent affiliate and thus forms a so-called “Vorsorgewerk”. This means that, despite efficiency gains in administration, the company’s own assets can be clearly allocated at any time.
Uniform regulations of the Alvoso Pension Fund apply to all affiliated companies (pension funds).